Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Last Class

Today is the last day of classes for the 2008-2009 school year. A rainy grey afternoon was spent weeding and mulching the garden. This years elective is leaving a large garden full of sprouting plants and a shed frame. The summer will test it's ability to survive and hopefully there will be a full garden at the beginning of next school year.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Thursday, June 4th

Now that our seeds have been planted and started to sprout we are looking into how to keep them hydrated. As of now we hare individually watering each plant with a large barrel that we fill water bottles from. However this system will be the best this summer when it is just Rob who is taking care of the garden, especially when the large barrel runs out of water. There is a river near by so a funneling or pumping system might be possible. For now though each little plant gets what the individual care it needs.